Selasa, 28 Juli 2009
Senin, 27 Juli 2009
Tebet Business Directory

Arlet Laundry & Dry Cleaning Jl. Tebet Barat 5 No. 12, Tel 83790468, Email Website click here. Suit, Coat, Safari Suit, Shirt, Trouser, Short Pants, T-Shirt, Neck Tie, Jacket, Sweater, Over Coat, Uniform etc.
Agen Susu Natural Colostrums Skim Milk Jl. Tebet Barat 5 No. 12, Tel 8296762, Email Website click here.
Quote from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Colostrum (also known as beestings or first milk or "immune milk") is a form of milk produced by the mammary glands of mammals in late pregnancy and the few days after giving birth.
Colostrum is high in carbohydrates, protein, and antibodies and low in fat (as human newborns may find fat difficult to digest). Newborns have very small digestive systems, and colostrum delivers its nutrients in a very concentrated low-volume form. It has a mild laxative effect, encouraging the passing of the baby's first stool, which is called meconium. This clears excess bilirubin, a waste product of dead red blood cells which is produced in large quantities at birth due to blood volume reduction, from the infant's body and helps prevent jaundice. Colostrum contains all five immunoglobulins found in all mammals, IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM. There are many beneficial proteins in the colostrum, including a variety of growth factors (IGfs). Bovine colostrum is sometimes used by humans as a dietary supplement for general immunity and physical strength.
Eno Netral RACER Kids Rock Shop Jl. Soepomo No. 50, Pancoran, Tebet Barat, Tel 8314112, Email none Website none. For
Preferable choice MDL TOUR & TRAVEL SERVICES Jl. Pal Batu 3 No. 58 Casablanca, Tebet, Tel 83700111, 83700110, 8312586 Esia +622192868960, Fax 83700109, Website mdl. E-mail:, Deliver to your door step, Air ticket, Hotel vouchers, Passport process assistance, Meeting & Gathering package etc.
MDL Travel Messenger: noney74 (Y!) (MSN), mdl_travel
(Y!) diartambunan
(Y!) mdltravel4
My favorite Hotel JW Marriott Jakarta, Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav. E No. 1 & 2, Tel 57988888, Fax 57988833, Email marriot, Website click here. "At Your Services©" Messages, Babby Sitting, Laundry, Lost & Found, Medical Assistance, Room Service, Restaurant Reservations, Wake-up Calls, Additional Guest Room Needs, Ballroom Dua Mutiara, Bellman, Business Center, Butler Service, Concierge, etc.
delicious Ninda Kue Onde Onde Lawang Jl. Tebet Barat 9 No. 25, Tel 98250403, Email Website click here. Traditional and Modern Indonesian Cakes such as Onde-Onde, Sus Vla, Kue Lapis, Nagasari, Crocket, Rissole Racquet, Macaroni Sikotel, Sosis Solo, Martabak Telur, Sambosa, Combro, Tahu Isi, Pisang Goreng, Lumpur, Wajik, Dadar Isi Kelapa, Lemper, Lontong etc.
CV Sarana Niaga, Jl. Tebet Barat 6 No. 2, Telp. 8313867, HP Andy Ryanto 08161132499, Email Sarana, Website click here. Experienced Developer, Contractor, Interior and Building Design. Entered the business since 1976, developed more than 200 Houses, Townhouse, Offices, Hospitals Renovation etc.
RoseGarden3 Townhouse, designed especially for young and energetic family.
my dream car HONDA The Power of Dream, Honda Tebet Jl. Prof Dr. Soepomo No. 44 Tebet Barat, Tel 8281393-94, 8312802-03, Fax 8281395, Email contact, Website honda. Facility: Sales, Services, and Spare Parts.
BMW Built your dream car TEBET Jl. Dr Soepomo No.174 Tebet -
the Lavande Residences Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo No. 231, A True Living for Your Body, Mind and Soul Telp. 83787111, Email thelavande, Website Prestigious Apartments, Swimming Pool, Massage Pool, Children Playground, Spa, Gazebo, Yoga Area, Fitness Center etc.
Balaenoptera musculus
(Linnaeus 1758) Quoted from
DERIVATION: from the Latin balaena for whale; from the Greek pteron for wing-fin, from the Latin musulus, and diminutive of mus for mouse. (This may be meant as a joke since the blue whale is very different from a mouse, but it is also sometimes taken to mean muscular.)
At the ocean's surface, a 27 foot high, slender, vertical blow reached toward the sky. As the 100 foot long body of the blue whale begins to descend, it reflects many shades of blue. As sunset fades to twilight and night, the color of the whale turns from shades of yellow to orange, pink, lavender, gray and black. The mottled back of the blue whale, due to its uneven skin pigmentation, reflects many color changes throughout the day.
This coloring may help it avoid detection by the krill upon which it preys. The largest animal to ever inhabit the planet feeds almost exclusively on one of the smallest animals -- shrimp-like krill. A blue whale can ingest up to eight tons of krill per day, and it has 55 to 68 ventral grooves extending at least to the navel. These throat grooves expand to accommodate 40 to 50 tons of water and krill. The pouch, when filled, is the size of a large living room.

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MLM Automatic Backlink
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Berikut ini backlink yang digenerate berdasar referal saya :
- Friendster
Friendster is a leading global social network emphasizing genuine friendshipsand the discovery of new people through friends - Google Indonesia
The Best Search Engine - Wikipedia
Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensklopedia bebas -
Backlink Farmer Community. Join MLMBACKLINK, refer to other friends and get backlink from members! - Cafe Bisnis Online
Panduan Terlengkap Belajar WordPress dan Bisnis Online - judotenslab: eksperimen yuuk..
Tempat Tips dan Trik serta Tutorial seputar Teknologi Informasi - Peluang Bisnis Online
Informasi seputar peluang di internet, ebook dan download gratis - Small Note - Budiawan Hutasoit
blog pribadi yang berisikan informasi seputar bisnis, keuangan, kesehatan, saham, motivasi, dll. - Tebet Business Directory
pintu gerbang untuk melihat direktori usaha dagang dan situs-situs internet tidak saja yang ada di kawasan Tebet tapi juga mencakup tempat yang terjangkau oleh jaringan internet. - Tebet Online Information
consists of addresses and phone numbers of favorite restaurants, traditional markets, hotels, offices, schools, super markets, malls, automotives,gardens, flowers, cakes, advertising, computers, salons, barber shops, cosmetics, banks, apartments etc.
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Rabu, 27 Februari 2008

Terletak antara jalan Tebet Timur Raya dan jalan Tebet Barat Raya, dikelola oleh Dinas Pertamanan DKI sebagai tempat pembibitan tanaman (nursery). Lokasi ini juga merupakan area jogging, senam, rekreasi, pedagang tanaman hias dll.
Sanggar AREMA Group Jl. Tebet Barat Raya, Telp. 8302468,Email none Website none. Menerima pembuatan:
Pak HAMID Jl. Tebet Barat Raya, Telp. 5325852, 5327522, HP 085695463438,Email none Website none. Menjual Tanaman Hias, Bikin
ferry florist Jl. Tebet Barat Raya, Telp. HP 081510945378,Email none Website none. Menjual Tanaman Hias, Bikin
Florist Mutiara Indah Gardening & Decoration, Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam Raya No. 16, Tel. 98110397, 83794658, HP 08158245143, Fax 83794658, Website flower. Menjual dan Merangkai Aneka Bunga Segar. Sampaikan ungkapan dan perasaan anda lewat rangkaian bunga kreasi kami yang indah dan berseni tinggi, sangat menarik dan penuh kesan. Untuk Acara Selamat Ulangtahun, Perkawinan, Kelahiran, Semoga Lekas Sembuh, Selamat Datang, Kenaikan Jabatan / Promosi, Hari Besar / Hari Raya, Menempati Rumah / Kantor Baru etc.
Ros's Florist Gardening & Decoration, Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam Raya No. 18, Tel. 8307452, 98198568, 8353719, Rosy HP 08569315998, Fax 8353719. Menjual dan Merangkai Aneka Bunga Segar.
Citra Indah Flower Shop, Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam Raya No. 10, Tel 8353610, 8293722, Alam R HP 0818856176.
Intan Florist Gardening & Decoration, Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam Raya No. 10, Tel 83786760, 32062765, Naryo HP 081389102031.
DE NOER'S FLORIST, Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam Raya No. 3F, Tel 8356186, 8301866, 8301869, fax 8371986.
Idola Florist Gardening & Decoration, Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam Raya No. 3, Tel 8313917, Cece HP 08129531027.
Siska Florist Gardening & Decoration, Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam Raya No. 3A, Tel 71595276, Abd. Jabar 081808003348.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Floristry, flower arranging, floral arrangement, floral design or floral arts is the art of creating flower arrangements in vases, bowls and baskets, or making bouquets and compositions from cut flowers, foliage, herbs, ornamental grasses and other botanical materials. Often the terms "floral design" and "floristry" are considered synonymous. Florists are people who work with flowers and plants, generally at the retail level. The term is not to be confused with floristics. Floristry is also not to be confused with horticulture.
Floristry is sometimes used as an umbrella term referring to the cultivation of flowers as well as their arrangement, rather than solely to the business of selling them. However, the floral industry is the basic drive behind floristry. Florist shops, along with online stores are the main flower-only outlets, but supermarkets, garden supply stores and many filling stations also sell flowers.
Let's Go Green and Paperless
Pekanbaru Diselimuti Kabut Asap
Sumber Media Indonesia 17-February-2009
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the Lavande Residences Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo No. 231, A True Living for Your Body, Mind and Soul Telp. 83787111, Email none Website Swimming Pool, Massage Pool, Children Playground, Reflexy Stone, Gazebo, Yoga Area, Fitness Center etc.
CV Sarana Niaga, Jl. Tebet Barat 6 No. 2, Telp. 8313867, HP Andy Ryanto 08161132499, Email Sarana, Website click here. Developer, Contractor, Interior. Berpengalaman sejak tahun 1976, membangun lebih dari 200 Rumah Tinggal, Townhouse, Kantor, Ruko (Rumah Toko), Renovasi Rumah Sakit etc. Y! Messenger
TB512 Property, Jl. Tebet Barat 5 No. 12, Telp. 8356185, HP Safri 081511401617, Email tb512, Website click here. Jual Beli Property, Tanah, Rumah, Ruko, Townhouse etc. Y! Messenger
ROSE Garden Townhouse 3, designed especially for young and energetic family, Jl. Bina Asih 3, dekat dengan Exit Tol Jatiasih (hanya 800 m), Komsen, Jatiasih, Pondok Gede, Bekasi. Harga 250-335JT bisa KPR, Luas Tanah 85-125m2, Luas Bangunan 54m2, Website rosegarden. Y! Messenger
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An apartment is a self-contained housing unit that occupies only part of a building. Apartments may be owned (by an owner-occupier) or rented (by tenants).
The term "apartment" is favored in North America, whereas the term "flat" is sometimes, but not exclusively used in the
Some apartment-dwellers own their apartments, either as co-ops, in which the residents own shares of a corporation that owns the building or development; or in condominiums, whose residents own their apartments and share ownership of the public spaces. Most apartments are in buildings designed for the purpose, but large older houses are sometimes divided into apartments. The word apartment connotes a residential unit or section in a building. Apartment building owners, lessors, or managers often use the more general word units to refer to apartments. Units can be used to refer to rental business suites as well as residential apartments. When there is no tenant occupying an apartment, the lessor is said to have a vacancy.
For apartment lessors, each vacancy represents a loss of income from rent-paying tenants for the time the apartment is vacant (i.e., unoccupied). Lessors' objectives are often to minimize the vacancy rate for their units. The owner of the apartment typically when transferring possession to the occupant(s) gives him/her the key to the apartment entrance door(s) and any other keys needed to live there, such as a common key to the building or any other common areas, and an individual unit mailbox key. When the occupant(s) move out, these keys are typically returned to the owner.
Apartment types and characteristics
Apartments can be classified into several types. One being a Studio, efficiency, bedsit, or bachelor style apartments. These all tend to be the smallest apartments with the cheapest rents in a given area. These kinds of apartment usually consist mainly of a large room which is the living, dining, and bedroom combined. There are usually kitchen facilities as part of this central room, but the bathroom is its own smaller separate room. Moving up from the efficiencies are one-bedroom apartments where one bedroom is a separate room from the rest of the apartment. Then there are two-bedroom, three-bedroom, etc. apartments. Small apartments often have only one entrance/exit. Large apartments often have two entrances/exits, perhaps a door in the front and another in the back. Depending on the building design, the entrance/exit doors may be directly to the outside or to a common area inside, such as a hallway. Depending on location, apartments may be available for rent furnished with furniture or unfurnished into which a tenant usually moves in with their own furniture. A garden apartment has some characteristics of a townhouse: each apartment has its own entrance, and apartments are not placed vertically over one another. However, a garden apartment is usually only one story high and never more than two stories; they are often one-bedrooms and almost never more than two-bedrooms. Some garden apartment buildings place a one-car garage under each apartment, with pedestrian entrances from a common courtyard open at one end. The grounds are more landscaped than for other modestly scaled apartments. (Alternately, "garden apartment" can refer to a unit built half below grade, putting its windows at garden level.
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Automobile, Service and Sparepart
DAIHATSU Inovation For Tomorrow Daihatsu Tebet Jl. Prof. Dr. Supomo SH. No. 31,
HONDA The Power of Dream, Honda Tebet Jl. Prof Dr. Soepomo No. 44 Tebet Barat, Telp. 8281393-94, 8312802-03, Fax 8281395, Email contact, Website honda. Sales, Services, and Spare Parts.
BIBIL Snow Car Wash & Salon, Hydraulic System, Jl. Tebet Barat 1 No. 5, Tel. 8295228. Car Wash, Poles Body, Per Panel, Poles Kaca, Ruang Mesin, Interior, Bongkar BKU etc.
ISUZU Rajanya Diesel, Pakai Panther Pinter, Jl. Warung Buncit Raya 9, Tel. 7944450, Fax 7983524, Contact us, Website isuzu. Fasilitas: Penjualan, Service, dan Suku Cadang.
BMW Built your dream car TEBET Jl. Dr Soepomo No.174 Tebet -
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An automobile (via French from Greek auto, self and Latin mobilis moving, a vehicle that moves itself rather than being moved by another vehicle or animal) or motor car (usually shortened to just car) is a wheeled passenger vehicle that carries its own motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people, to typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally for the transport of people rather than goods. However, the term is far from precise because there are many types of vehicles that do similar tasks.
There were 590 million passenger cars worldwide (roughly one car for every eleven people) as of 2002.
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Bank BCA Tebet Barat Jln. Tebet Barat 9 No. 40 JakartaTelp. 021-8301037, 8304297, Email halo bca, Website click here.
ATM, Deposits, Remmitances & Money Transfer, Internet Banking, Cash Management, Treasury, Mortage Loans, Credits Card, Business Loans, Corporate Loans, Trade & Financing, Wealth Management, Preferred Cicle, Bancassurance etc.
Bank Mandiri Tebet Barat Jln. Tebet Barat 9 No. 26
ATM, Deposits, Remmitances & Money Transfer, Internet Banking, Cash Management, Treasury, Mortage Loans, Credits Card, Business Loans, Corporate Loans, Trade & Financing, Wealth Management, Preferred Cicle, Bancassurance etc.
ATM, Deposits, Remmitances & Money Transfer, Internet Banking, Cash Management, Treasury, Mortage Loans, Credits Card, Business Loans, Corporate Loans, Trade & Financing, Wealth Management, Preferred Cicle, Bancassurance etc.
BNI ATM, BNI SMS Banking, BNI Internet Banking, BNI PhonePlus, Tabungan, Credit Card etc.
Bank Permata Tebet Barat Jln. Prof Supomo SH, Tebet Barat Dalam 7 No.30, Telp. 8350771, 8350772, 8351577, 8351579, Fax 8351577, Email permata, Website click here. ATM, Tabungan, etc.
Danamon Bank Soepomo Tebet Jl Prof Dr Soepomo 55
citibank Jl Prof Dr Soepomo 27 Jakarta, Tebet Barat, Contact us, Website citibank.
LippoBank Soepomo Tebet, Jl. Prof. Supomo SH No. 47, Jakarta Selatan 12810, Tebet Barat, Email info, Website lippo.
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